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Kevin Magnussen na McLaren

A equipa inglesa não deve ter gostado do meu artigo que dava Nico Hulkenberg como uma das hipóteses para a substituição de Perez e vai daí, anunciou que Kevin Magnussen vai ser o “dono” do segundo McLaren quando esta chegar à Austrália para o 1º GP da temporada de 2014.


Magnussen ao volante do McLaren

Magnussen ao volante do McLaren


Se gostou ou não gostou, isso não sei, uma coisa é certa, este jovem dinamarquês de 21 anos, vai ter a oportunidade que merece para ingressar neste mundo muito complicado que é a F1, isto depois de mostrar o que valia na FR 3.5 Series, onde conquistou o titulo de campeão este ano com toda a autoridade.

Ao seu lado e para acabar de vez com especulações, Jenson Button irá permanecer na equipa em 2014.


Eis as palavras de Kevin Magnussen:

“I’m absolutely overjoyed to be making my Formula 1 debut with McLaren.

“I’ll put it simply: this team is the best. It’s been my dream to drive for McLaren ever since I was a small kid, and it’s no exaggeration to say that I’ve dedicated almost every day of my life to achieving the goal of becoming a McLaren Formula 1 driver.

“I have an enormous amount of respect for everyone at McLaren, and I want to say a massive ‘thank you’ to everyone, but most of all to Martin and his senior colleagues, for giving me this chance. I won’t let you down, guys!

“Equally, in Jenson, I have absolutely the ideal team-mate. He’s extremely quick, obviously, but he’s also very experienced and superbly capable from a technical perspective. He’s a Formula 1 world champion, which is what one day I also hope to become, and I’m determined to learn as much as I can from him.”


Jenson Button continua com a McLaren

Jenson Button continua com a McLaren


E as palavras de  Martin Whitmarsh, o manda chuva da equipa inglesa:

“We’re delighted that Kevin will be joining Jenson as a McLaren Formula 1 race driver for 2014.

“Their confirmation is an important step for us as we continue to strengthen our organisation ahead of the 2014 season.

“Next year, we’ll witness the biggest raft of technical changes to Formula 1 in many years, and every team and manufacturer will be pushed to the limit as they try their best to adapt to those new challenges.

“Jenson’s race-winning speed, intelligence and racecraft have long been a crucial advantage to McLaren, but it’s his skill as a development driver and his peerless technical feedback that will be equally valuable as we make the transition into a new and complex technical formula during the winter and new year.

“Kevin, too, is clearly very talented and very determined, and we therefore have high hopes for him. Moreover, every time he’s tested our Formula 1 car, he’s been very quick and very methodical, and his feedback has been first-class.

“Furthermore, the manner in which he won this year’s World Series by Renault 3.5 Championship was truly outstanding, showcasing as it did not only his impressive natural pace but also his increasing maturity and ability to structure and manage a championship campaign.

“Last but very far from least, I want to take this opportunity to thank Checo, who has developed well during a difficult season, as his recent run of points-scoring finishes underlines.

“He’s a lovely guy and a fine driver – fast and combative – and I’m sure he’ll build on that firm foundation in 2014.

“All at McLaren wish him well for the future.”


E assim se prepara uma equipa de Formula 1, com cabeça tronco e membros !!

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